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We're currently enjoying a short break to rest and do a bit of traveling.

A big THANK YOU for your incredible support up to this point, it means the world to us!

Both our physical presence and our online store will be back in action this October, so we can't wait to reconnect with you then!

-Leo & Joanna

Irresistible crispy shallots.

Because every meal deserves a little bit of sparkle.

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Introducing our holiday 6-Pack

Your ticket to flavor-filled holiday gatherings.

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to the


Bringing flavor to the conversation

We started our culinary adventure with the belief that delicious dishes have the power to bring people together.

Our hope is that our crispy shallots will serve as a special ingredient that can enhance any meal and inspire captivating conversations.

Better quality

All-natural & simple ingredients, zero preservatives.

Small batch

Quality control in every bite.


Add a unique crunch and flavor to any dish.

icon that describes 100% halal

100% halal

icon that describes vegan


icon that describes single-oil use

single-use oil

icon that describes sugar-free

no added sugar

icon that describes allergen-free


icon that describes gluten-free


icon that describes preservative-free


icon that describes 100% halal

100% halal

icon that describes vegan


icon that describes single-oil use

single-use oil

icon that describes sugar-free

no added sugar

icon that describes allergen-free


icon that describes gluten-free


icon that describes preservative-free


icon that describes 100% halal

100% halal

icon that describes vegan


icon that describes single-oil use

single-use oil

icon that describes sugar-free

no added sugar

icon that describes allergen-free


icon that describes gluten-free


icon that describes preservative-free



The 6-Pack


6 - 2.3 OZ (65g)

Your ticket to flavor-filled holiday gatherings.

Full Details

Shallot vs. onion vs. garlic

Explore the differences between these flavorful alliums.

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Smaller and milder than onions

Larger and more pungent than shallots

Smaller and more pungent than onions


Mildly sweet, with a hint of garlic flavor

Strong, sweet, and tangy flavor

Pungent and spicy, with a strong garlic flavor


Thin, papery skin that is easy to peel

Thick, papery skin that is harder to peel

Thin, papery skin that is easy to peel


Low in calories and high in antioxidants

Low in calories and high in vitamin C

Low in calories and high in antioxidants

Got questions? We've got answers!

Check out our FAQ page for everything you need to know about our delicious crispy shallots.

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